Monday 14 January 2019

How to Dress for Your Body (Without Comparing It to Fruit)

Body Shapes

 Part of stylish dressing is paying attention to your body shape!

We’ve grown up reading magazine articles on how to dress for certain body types. How to dress for “pear shape” or “apple shape,” or maybe you considered yourself a part of the “ruler” category, describing “lean, narrow-hipped women with small chests.”

But we are not inanimate objects. We are women who are strong and beautiful, no matter what fruit our silhouette most resembles. We do not fit any particular mold, nor do we have to dress based on the “type” we best fit in to. There are no easily-defined body shapes for every single woman because the great thing about being a woman is that no one else in the world has your exact body.

Instead of trying to dress to fit a mold, we should be dressing to highlight what makes us unique; the things about ourselves that make us feel confident, and what we love and appreciate.

So this post is not one of those magazine articles that will tell you what you can and cannot wear based on what inanimate object your body most resembles — this post is to help you think about what you love about yourself, and to give you tips on how to highlight those features. Whether a magazine would tell you that you look like a pear, apple, a ruler, or any other inanimate object, you should be dressing the way you want to dress, in the way you feel most confident. Here’s some tips to help you get there:

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