Tuesday 19 September 2017

Future Leaders Must Have Emotional Intelligence

Future Leaders Must Have Emotional Intelligence

 Emotional Intelligence is becoming more and more vital in the workplace especially but also in Government. 


 Wouldn't it be nice for Leaders to understand their workers or the citizens they govern a lot better and listen more to their concerns.  After all, it is they that work, or in the case of Government, pay the taxes.


Thankfully, Kirstin Ferguson believes we can all extend our intellect, especially when it comes to knowledge regarding our industry sectors or professions.

But when it comes to leadership — particularly the kind that will be successful in the future — she says emotional intelligence is and will be vital.

That means leading others with humility, having the self-awareness to understand your impact on those around you, and empowering others to be the best they can be.

Kirstin is a leading non-executive director and the creator of #CelebratingWomen.
She is also the chair of the judging panel on the Women’s Agenda Leadership Awards.
Kirstin answers our Q&A on future leadership below.

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