Thursday 20 April 2017

The 5 Strangest Reasons You're Not Losing Weight And What To Do

Hidden Causes Of Weight Gain

For those of us battling with weight gain, this article will be helpful.  It is always good to read as much as we possibly can about the causes of weight gain and how to tackle the solution or at least give it a try.

An interview with “First Lady of Nutrition” Ann Louise Gittleman reveals five hidden causes of weight gain that might shock you.

I sat down with New York Times bestselling author and creator of the Fat Flush diet, Ann Louise Gittleman, PhD, CNS to learn more about her latest book, The New Fat Flush Plan. Here’s what I learned.

The classic Fat Flush was first published more than 15 years ago and was really the book that launched the diet/detox revolution. What gives Fat Flush such longevity? The book challenged all the weight loss rules with unique protocols that produced faster and longer lasting results than any other diet book on the market. Fat Flush introduced the idea that the right fats can make you lean and trim, and how you can harness the fat burning power of the liver to supercharge healing, regardless of age and hormonal challenges. It’s a health book masquerading as a diet book!

Dr. Gittleman recently expanded and updated her bestseller to include, among other things, the latest science about 10 hidden weight gain factors that can sabotage even the most conscientious eaters. Below, she highlights five of these factors along with simple steps you can take to overcome them.

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