Monday 25 July 2016

5 Things You Can Do For A Better Brain

5 Things You Can Do For A Better Brain
Every one of us likes to know how to get our brains working at top performance, so here's a post that can help you improve your brain function:

Reduce the mental decline that begins in mid-age by making moderate changes in your diet and lifestyle.

I can remember a survey I looked at years ago indicated that “maintaining mental sharpness” was the #1 health issue for 65% of the people questioned. I don’t think much has changed. Brain health is a huge concern for many people, most likely because poor brain function equates to poor quality of life. There is no doubt that we live in a society that demands our brains work 100% - we constantly juggle facts, inputs, information, tasks, responsibilities, and process emotions. And at the same time, the statistics are showing us increased rates of cognitive decline and dementia are becoming some of the biggest health issues in the 21st century.

How can you prevent the mental downslide that starts in mid-age? You can buffer your brain against mild decline and even more severe reduced function with dementia by taking some steps in what you eat and how you live.

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