Monday 7 December 2020

What Is the Best Diet for PCOS? We Asked the Experts What Foods to Eat

What Is the Best Diet for PCOS? We

 Asked the Experts What Foods to Eat: 


Nadine Primeau

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal imbalance that interferes with ovulation, increases production of testosterone and often causes insulin-resistance. Though the condition is incurable, one of the best ways to manage it is through the PCOS diet, which includes healthy eating habits and regular physical activity.


Celebrity trainer and fitness expert star Jillian Michaels knows this first hand. She was diagnosed with PCOS as a teenager and recently discussed how changing her diet made living with the condition more bearable, even keeping symptoms at bay for more than 20 years.

“No fake sugars, no processed sugars, no processed grains—things that drive insulin to the roof,” Michaels told Yahoo Lifestyle in September. “And over time, I pretty much had the situation under control.”

So, how does diet actually affect PCOS? And, if you have the disorder, what lifestyle changes can help you manage the conditions? We asked nutrition experts to weigh in.

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PCOS and weight loss

PCOS is an endocrine condition that affects an estimated one in 10 women, but there are many misconceptions about the disorder among both patients and the medical community, says reproductive endocrinologist Jennifer Glueck.

One misconception is the relationship between PCOS and weight gain, she says, “Weight gain does not cause PCOS; PCOS does not cause weight gain.”

But, weight can impact the severity of PCOS symptoms.

“Weight loss is absolutely the cornerstone of treating PCOS because it is important to reduce the insulin-resistance not only to help symptoms but to prevent progression to Type 2 diabetes,” Glueck says. “Just as symptoms tend to get worse with weight gain, they do tend to get better and easier to control with weight loss.”

Glueck counsels her patients to make changes to their diets to reduce insulin-resistance—for example, eliminating added sugars and processed foods, reducing simple carbohydrates and increasing exercise.

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Focus on lifestyle changes, not diets

Nutrition and the foods you eat are a “first-line treatment of PCOS,” says registered dietician nutritionist Angela Grassi, founder of The PCOS Nutrition Center.

“Food and the nutrients in food can help fight inflammation, reduce the risk for diseases that people with PCOS are more prone to, like Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and can even improve fertility,” she says.

Light Bulb

Healthy Now Tip

Use oat flour for a high-fiber baking substitution. Even better—you can make it at home on the cheap. Just put rolled oats in a blender or food processor and grind until fine.

But, too much focus on diets and weight loss may be counterintuitive and not sustainable, so Grassi urges her patients to make lifestyle changes to manage PCOS long term.

“What I am finding is that diets don’t work for people with PCOS because of the elevated levels of insulin, which puts them in a fat-storage mode,” Grassi explains. “They may lose some weight but without sustainable lifestyle changes, it can be quickly regained. Weight cycling can potentially make PCOS worse in the long run and impacts quality of life, and could lead to more mood and eating disorders.”

PCOS symptoms vary from person to person, so an individualized approach to nutrition works best.

“I help them develop a more balanced nutrition plan and challenge their distorted thoughts and judgments around food,” Grassi says. “I also help patients to become intuitive eaters. So many of them have lost the disconnect with hunger and fullness because of diets. Helping patients to add in enjoyable movement and finding the right supplements to help them is also part of it.”

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What is the best nutritional plan for PCOS management?

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics’ recommendations for PCOS patients include eating more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats and low-fat or fat-free milk, cheese and yogurt to lower blood sugar, improve how the body uses insulin and regulate hormone levels.

The academy also suggests eating four to five meals or snacks a day, and not skipping meals. Meals should feature some kind of protein, like nut butters, lean meats, fish, tofu, beans or low-fat dairy. Healthy fats, including olive oil, avocados and almonds, can be incorporated in moderate portions.

Unless someone with PCOS also has a food allergy or intolerance, there is no reason to necessarily avoid specific foods, Grassi says.

“The important thing though is to notice how these foods affect you,” she says. “A balanced plate is a good place to start: half veggies, one quarter protein and another quarter whole grain carbohydrates along with fat.”

This approach prevents glucose and insulin surges and keeps you full longer. She says foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like fatty fish and olive oil, lowers triglycerides, androgens like testosterone and overall inflammation.

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Exercise reduces PCOS symptoms

Physical activity can relieve many PCOS symptoms. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days, with strength training at least twice a week.

Research suggests that regular exercise also led to a lower BMI and reduced the risk of depression in women with PCOS.

PCOS-related depression and nutrition

PCOS is an incurable condition. PCOS symptoms—irregular periods, hair growth on the body, acne and sometimes struggles with fertility—require daily management, which can increase the risk of depression and anxiety. Research shows about 40% of women with PCOS experience depression.

As a result, emotional eating is a “big problem” for women with PCOS, Grassi says. Eating disorders, including bulimia nervosa, are more common among women with PCOS, and can impact treatment of PCOS, research suggests.

Also contributing to the anxiety around PCOS and the diet is the overwhelming amount of sometimes-inconsistent nutritional information available. That’s why working with a registered dietician or other health care provider can help you get on track.

“The most common issues are confusion on what to eat,” Grassi says. “There is so much conflicting nutrition information available on the internet, with research showing the majority of it is false. Most people with PCOS aren’t getting enough information from their health care provider on how to manage PCOS and they turn to the internet.”

Find out how Lea Michele copes with PCOS and other celebrities with PCOS.

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