Friday 20 October 2017

Prevent And Treat The Commonn Cold

Prevent And Treat The Common Cold

 Valuable information about the Common Cold!

Rather than haphazardly buying probiotics off the shelf, customize your selection this cold and flu season with evidence-based strains proven to boost immunity.

Burgeoning technological innovations and scientific revelations have provided us with unparalleled insight into the inner workings of our universe, from the microcosmic realm of the microbiota to the macrocosmic landscape of planetary interactions and phenomena at the galactic scale. However, mankind has yet to conquer the common cold.

American adults contract between two and four colds per year whereas children under two years of age experience six cold infections per year on average (1, 2). When assessed twenty years ago, annual medical expenditures related to the common cold totaled $17 billion dollars whereas the economic burden due to loss of productivity was $25 billion (3).

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