Saturday 23 September 2017

Build Muscle Twice As Fast

Build Muscle Twice As Fast

 Another nugget from Dr Mercola:

By Dr. Mercola

If you haven't heard of Kaatsu training before, you're in for a treat. While still a novelty in the West, Kaatsu training was developed in Japan five decades ago. Ka means "additional" and atsu means "pressure." An English layman's term for the practice is "blood flow restriction training," and involves performing strength training exercises while restricting blood flow to the extremity being worked
A significant benefit of the method is that you can do strength exercises using just 30 to 50 percent of the weight you'd normally use while still reaping maximum benefits. In a way, you're trading weight for repetitions, in that you're using less weight but doing more reps — up to 20 or 30 repetitions opposed to the 10 or 12 you might normally do.

The cuffs or bands are just tight enough to allow arterial blood flow but not venous flow. This causes lactic acid and other waste products to build up, giving you the same benefit as heavy lifting without the dangers associated with heavy weights. For this reason, it's a great strategy for the elderly and those who are recuperating from an injury.

Compelling evidence suggests that venous blood flow restriction dramatically increases muscle growth and strength by increasing growth hormone secretion, reducing myostatin and inducing cell swelling — all while circumventing the tissue damage that can occur with traditional high-intensity weight training.

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