Sunday 4 June 2017

Global Health Consequences of Eating Too Much Sugar

Time To reduce The Sugar

It is evident how much damage too much sugar can do to our health.  It is an area where we can make a difference by cutting down and checking how much sugar is contained in the food we buy.

By Dr. Mercola
There is increasingly compelling research showing your biology is not optimized for a high carb diet. Consuming excessive sugar just doesn't bode well for you. Yet the majority of foods eaten in the U.S. and around the world (including in some previously unaffected aborigine communities) contain significant amounts of sugar.

However, this has not always been the case. Historically — and as recently as the 20th century — sugar was viewed as a treat. It was a delicacy enjoyed only on occasion, such as with a cup of coffee or tea. Fast-forward to the 21st century and added sugar is found in just about everything we eat, including many non-junk food items such as pasta sauce, salad dressing, crackers, fruit juices, yogurt, energy drinks and many other foods.

Sugar Transitions From Sweet Treat to Every Day Habit

The adoption of a high sugar diet has caused public health worldwide to rapidly deteriorate, resulting in a host of chronic and potentially fatal diseases. Clever marketing tactics deployed by the food industry to boost sugary food sales are largely responsible for sugar overconsumption and the subsequent diseases it has caused.1

In 2015, U.S. Department of Agriculture data showed Americans consumed an average of 94 grams or 23.5 teaspoons of sugar per day.2 In 1999, that number was even higher, with the average American consuming 111 grams or nearly 28 teaspoons of sugar daily. U.S. sugar consumption both then and now greatly exceeds the federal government's recommended limit of 50 grams or 12.5 teaspoons per day for an individual consuming 2,000 daily calories.

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