Friday 17 March 2017

Ibuprofen Can Stop Your Heart

Ibuprofen Can Stop Your Heart

The headline to this post alarmed me as I know Ibuprofen is a widely used painkiller.  Many people use it for back problems and on a regular basis.  It pays to be aware of the dangers. 

A new study reveals that a commonly consumed painkiller, wrongly considered "harmless" by millions, is probably causing thousands of deaths from cardiac arrest each year.

According to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation, sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is a leading cause of death among adults over 40 in the United States and other countries, with about 326,200 people experiencing an out-of-hospital SCA each year in the US alone; nine of 10 victims of SCA will die.1
Suprisingly, however, the causes of SCA are still widely considered unknown. Instead, the medical profession opts for pointing the finger at vague risk factors, such as family history, previous heart problems, or elevated LDL cholesterol (a long debunked surrogate marker for heart disease].

But what if something so obvious and preventable as the consumption of NSAID drugs could be contributing to this health epidemic?

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