Saturday 11 March 2017

8 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Detoxify

8 Surprisingly Simple Ways To Detox

 Easy to follow steps to detoxify the body and stay healthy!

Given what we are now exposed to through our food, air, and water, detoxification has become a modern-day necessity. Without the daily activation of ancient, effective physiological pathways designed to remove naturally occurring environmental and toxins or manmade chemical toxicants, we are bound to get sick.

So, what are some simple, effective ways we rid our body of its daily toxic burden?

1) Pop a Probiotic: Of course, you don't have to 'pop a pill' to get a probiotic. In fact, it is preferred you ingest either a cultured food (e.g. kombucha, yogurt (preferably non-cow's milk based), cultured veggies, etc.) or eat more raw fruits and vegetables grown in truly healthy soil, as this is actually the root of where 'good bacteria' come from.  Read on ............

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