Tuesday 10 May 2016

Drug Free Approach Cuts Alzheimer's Risk In Half

Drug Free Approach Cuts Alzheimer's Risk In Half

 Whenever I see an article about Alzheimers or Dementia I feel compelled to share it to make people aware of this debilitating disease and what can be done to avoid it or keep it at bay at least.

Alzheimer’s Risk Cut in Half!

When you survey people to determine what diseases they fear the most, Alzheimer’s is always among the top answers. It’s been estimated that in America today there are approximately 5.4 million of us who’ve been given this diagnosis. To call it like it is, Alzheimer’s is a disease for which there is no meaningful treatment, whatsoever.
But what if medical researchers could identify some sort of treatment or intervention that could conceivably reduce a person’s chances of developing this incurable condition? What if there was a way that you could reduce your odds of this most common form of dementia by half?
As it turns out, top-notch researchers have just identified a supplement that does just that, and the name of this supplement you are going to want to make a part of your daily routine is: exercise.

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