Friday 4 May 2018

9 Health Benefits of Matcha Tea

Matcha Tea Burns Fat

 Worth a Try!

Most tea can be found either in tea bag or loose leaf form. Occasionally, it can also be fermented and sold as a tea brick.
However, many people don’t know that tea can also be sold as a powder, which is traditionally whisked and served with a bit of froth.
This is true for Matcha, a Japanese green tea. There are many health benefits of Matcha tea.

What Is Matcha Tea?

Matcha is produced using pure Gyokuro leaves, a variety of Camellia Sinensis that is shaded beneath special mats for 3 weeks before plucking.
The shading forces the plants to produce a higher chlorophyll content, thus increasing its nutritional value and giving the leaves a rich green color.

In fact, steeped Matcha contains nearly 10 times the polyphenols and antioxidants of regular teas, 2 times the antioxidants of a glass of red wine, approximately 9 times the beta-carotene of spinach, and 4 times that of carrots. (source)

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